
Biology Lesson - Faecal Transplants Presentations

Posted on: 22/11/2022

Y10 Biology (Triple) students had the greatest opportunity to be involved in CONNECT activity: Faecal Transplants created by Mastery Science. Connect activity, applies a science concept, teaches an enquiry skill, shows students how science affects their world and encourages students to talk about science with their family. 

Y10 students found out that faecal transplant, is a procedure that takes faeces from one person and puts it into someone else. Why do this? Scientists have learned that your gut microbiome (the bacteria living in your intestines) is vital for physical and mental health.  In this science-action, the challenge for students was to advise an obese friend on whether a faecal transplant could help him to lose weight. Students use their knowledge of the digestive system that they have learnt in GCSE Biology (Topic 2 Organisation) and the enquiry skill to judge the quality of sources. 

Students were then asked to prepare a 5-minute oral presentation to discuss whether a faecal transplant will help their obese friend and plan the advice to them.​ Groups were judged on a criterion: Several ideas should be connected with scientific reasoning, using more than one source used and using accurate scientific language.​