
Sensory Science: Testing Taste Thresholds

Posted on: 16/12/2022

Last week in science club, young scientist enjoyed two different exciting sessions: Taste threshold and Amazon engineer virtual talk. During the holidays, we often find ourselves surrounded by a wide variety of taste sensations. Have you ever wondered how well we sense different tastes? People are generally able to discern five basic tastes: sweet, savoury, salty, sour and bitter.

Is it easier to detect some of these flavours at low concentrations compared to others? In science club young scientist explored their taste thresholds for sweetness, saltiness and sourness. To do this, students carried out a technique called serial dilution. They have diluted 10% sugar, vinegar and salt solution to obtain 10%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01% of each substance. Students then noted the lowest concentration that they can taste the sugar/vinegar/salt.