
Compton's Got Talent

Posted on: 02/05/2023

If you tuned in to ITV on Saturday 22nd April, you would have seen some remarkable Compton students achieving something few can only dream of: getting the golden buzzer on Simon Cowell's popular talent show, Britain's Got Talent!

Lots of Compton students are involved in Chickenshed in myriad ways and they came into the school earlier this academic year to perform for all of Year 9. We caught up with four students from across the school about their fantastic achievement and their preparations for the semi-finals of the show at the end of May.

Laura - Year 10


How do you feel now?

It feels amazing; there's no words to explain. It's a really surreal experience and to get the golden buzzer was a complete surprise!

Tell us about your performance - what role did you play and how did you prepare?

We were preparing for it at Chickenshed and we did lots of rehearsals. Even though I was in the background, I feel it was an amazing experience.

Everyone benefits from a place like Chickenshed. It's so special - like a second home to me.

At Chickenshed, you are with your friends and always feel included.

How did it feel when the golden buzzer was pressed?

Everyone cried and there was golden ticker tape everywhere! I saw Alesha press it - she actually did it very carefully; she didn't slam it at all! There's no words to explain how I feel about it. I will never forget that moment.

Who was your favourite judge?
Simon Cowell because I've met him before at the Variety Club Awards - there were
loads of famous people there! When I first saw him, I was like, "Oh my goodness, he's
from BGT!" At the recording of Saturday's show, he saw me and recognised me. He's
definitely my favourite.

What next?
Now, we're in the semis and are still celebrating! I am ecstatic - there was real electricity from the audience. It's still mind boggling.


Mbalenhle - Year 9


How do you feel now?

Unbelievable that it's actually out there now with everybody; I feel so proud of all of us at Chickenshed. As we filmed it in January, I feel like I was in denial that it actually happened now, it's like I'm experiencing it all over again. All the teachers have watched it and are really proud.

Tell us about your performance - what role did you play and how did you prepare?

We had two separate groups: singers and dancers. I was in the children's dance section. We worked so hard and there were lots of rehearsals; it was quite stressful.

How did it feel when the golden buzzer was pressed?

I was like a deer in the headlights! I was so proud - everyone was crying and there were gold flakes everywhere. It was actually quite a surreal experience. It was magical - and my mum got to watch it in the audience.

Who was your favourite judge?

That's a hard one because I've always loved Simon Cowell but Bruno, who is new, is also brilliant - I am a Strictly fan too. But, I would have to say Simon.

We went in there together, as one. We wanted Chickenshed to be out there more - we did this together, as friends.

What next?

Now, that it's not a huge secret any more, we can be a bit more out there and we have rehearsals every weekend to prepare for the semis. My mum found it much harder than me to keep it a secret, especially from family - my cousins didn't even know I was in it!


Toby - Year 13


How do you feel now?

I feel really proud of everyone. When we first did it, with the golden buzzer being pushed and everything, I obviously felt overjoyed. But now I feel really emotional - we watched it together and it was a really special and moving moment.

Tell us about your performance.

We had just over a month to put it together in January and we selected a song with a three part harmony. Once we had that, we thought about what we could do with it. This performance, although it was really good, was not about technical ability - I don't think I would have been picked for my dancing! It was about who would give that feeling of joy and wonder, these were our feelings, and how could we show this to our audience. How could we should them what we do and who we are?

Who was your favourite judge?

It has to be Alesha Dixon - she gave us the golden buzzer! To be honest, I like all of them but I felt that she understood us and our message the most.

What next?

So, we're through to the semi-finals and we're putting together a new piece: bigger, better, more singing, more dancing. With the first piece, it was like: this is who we are. With this one, it's like: can you come with us? It's the 50th birthday of Chickenshed this year so we want to share and spread it.


Max - Year 10


How do you feel now?

I was very excited that we got the golden buzzer. We filmed it in January and I wasn’t expecting that to happen at all. It was a really long day, but it was worth it!

Tell us about your performance - what role did you play and how did you prepare?

I was in the vocal group. We had about four weeks to prepare for the performance and started rehearsals in early January, just after we finished the Christmas show.

How did it feel when the golden buzzer was pressed?

I was shocked and surprised. I didn’t know what was happening until I looked up and saw the gold. I still have some of the gold pieces in my bag.

Who was your favourite judge?

It was Alesha as she was the one who pressed the golden buzzer for us.

What’s next?

Next, we have the semi-finals and we are rehearsing weekly for this. I am looking
forward to the live shows!

Written by Ms Walker-Nolan