
Science Club takes to new heights with Stomp Rockets!

Posted on: 17/05/2023

Last week in science club, our budding future engineers ventured on a journey into the world of rocketry, taking on the challenge of creating stomp rockets. Future engineers, eagerly set out to design, build, and test their very own stomp rockets. With imagination and innovation at the forefront, they transformed everyday materials into rocket prototypes. The excitement in the air was observable as students gathered on the field, eagerly waiting for the moment their rockets would fly into the sky.

As we celebrate students' endeavours during science club, science department is also eagerly looking forward to an upcoming exciting return of The Forensic Science Club which will run by the lovely Ms Dawsmith. Students will get the thrilling opportunity to take part in Crime scene investigations. Forensic Science club is starting on Wednesday 24th May for 4 weeks (Every Wednesday) We are looking forward to working with future (Forensic) scientists.