
Outstanding Enrichment


We provide a wide and interesting range of enrichment opportunities at Sixth Form level. This includes the provision of extra-curricular activities, the opportunity to complete work experience and a number of specific Sixth Form day and residential trips which includes several trips abroad.


All students starting in Year 12 will take part in the ‘Year 12 Induction Trip.’ This involves the whole of Year 12 taking part in a team building trip during the first few weeks of the school year to help both the current and new students to get to know each other as well as taking part in various activities to develop team work, independence and leadership skills.

During their time in Sixth Form students will have access to a wide variety of sport, music, drama and other enrichment activities. All students are expected to take part in at least one enrichment activity as part of their personal development.

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Our innovative and nationally recognised Student Leadership programme provides a wide range of unique leadership opportunities. It allows students to be involved in school governance and to take an active role in the running of the Sixth Form. Sixth formers are also encouraged to support our younger students through programmes such as peer mentoring, sports leaders and paired reading.



Through the PE department students have access to a fantastic range of facilities on-site as well as off-site facilities. We have a wide range of clubs and teams, many of them achieving success at Borough level. In addition we offer a range of outdoor education opportunities, including the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Scheme and The Challenge. 



The Compton School has vibrant Performing Arts Departments, offering opportunities for creative self-expression and involvement at every level. At Sixth Form, students are encouraged to take part in our diverse programme of activities throughout the year, including whole school productions, musical concerts and serenades.

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Culture and Community

The Pastoral Curriculum is designed to prepare students for university and the world of work. Our tailored curriculum will prepare students to talk confidently in public and social situations, experience a range of cultural activities and support local, national or international charities. A particular focus of enrichment is about widening students’ access to the huge diversity of opportunities our Capital City has to offer. Throughout their time at Sixth Form students have many opportunities for trips and experiences within London ranging from Museums, Theatres, Exhibitions, Concerts, Sporting Events and much more.


The Super-Curriculum

Our Super-Curriculum encapsulates all those activities that foster academic endeavour beyond the measurable outcomes of examination results. It includes (but is not limited to) wider reading, debate, public speaking, research, lectures and study trips. Each department will provide a range of subject specific enrichment opportunities designed to enhance students’ interest and understanding. During the year staff will signpost students to these opportunities.

Students wishing to develop an area of academic interest in more depth will be able to take part in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This involves students completing a university style research project in a topic of their choice.


“A highlight of the volunteering programme is the African Adventures Trip where Sixth Form students will raise money to fund their place on a 10 day volunteering placement in Ghana.”