
Student Leadership

Providing opportunities for students to take on leadership roles is a vital part of their development through The Compton School.  At each stage of their school career, students are given opportunities to be leaders in the school community. Below is an insight into some of the opportunities available to students in school.

Headteacher’s Consultation Group

The Headteacher’s Consultation Group is an extremely prestigious leadership opportunity. The Group has one representative from each Tutor Group in Years 7-13, providing a key link between students and the Headteacher. The group meet on a half-termly basis to consider key questions relating to the School Improvement Plan (SIP).

This term they have provided feedback from their Tutor Groups on a range of issues, including the catering menu, support for exam preparation (Years 11-13), celebrating our diverse community (Years 7-10) and school routines.

This vital student feedback feeds into the school improvement process to ensure The Compton School remains at the forefront, as an Outstanding school.

Charity Leaders

The Charity Leaders work together across Year Groups to drive the charity efforts of the school. This term they have worked on the Poppy Appeal, Odd Socks Day, World AIDS Day, and a non-school Uniform day to raise money for Cancer Research.

The Equalities Group

The Equalities Group work to ensure that The Compton School is a safe and welcoming place for all students. We are a diverse community and it is the right of all students to be respected and feel comfortable in school. In recent months the Equalities Group has worked to update to school contract, signed by students on joining the school, as well as working on celebrating the wide range of religious festivals, awareness days and other events that are important to members of our community


Year-specific Leadership Opportunities

Year 7Transition Leaders, where students work with their Year Manager to develop the programme of  support given to next year’s Year 7 students.  For example, last year, the Transition Leaders designed a treasure hunt that the current Year 7 students completed on their first day at school to help them find their way around the school.

Year 8First Give, part of a national competition whereby each Tutor Group researches and selects a charity to carry out a social action project and/or fundraising activity.  Students from each Tutor Group then give a presentation to a panel of judges who select the winning Tutor Group.  This winning Tutor Group wins additional funding to give to the charity they have worked with. The Student Receptionist role also offers a leadership opportunity to Year 8 students. On a rota basis, each student takes on this role, welcoming students to the school, and supporting the front desk team. This supports students to work with a wider range of staff and to build confidence taking on unfamiliar tasks.

Year 9Charity Champions are working with their Year Manager and the charity Homeless Action Barnet to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in our borough and also to take action to help those affected.  Students are in the process of collecting items to create food parcels that will have a direct impact on the community in which we live.

Year 10Peer Mentoring is an excellent opportunity for Year 10 students to support younger students in the school. Year 10 Peer Mentors complete mentoring training and are paired with a younger student who they meet weekly. Peer Mentors offer excellent support to their mentees on a range of issues from homework completion, friendship issues, managing strong emotions and more. They are excellent role models in our community

Year 11Prefects are a very important part of our school structure. Prefects carry out important roles throughout the school year, including delivering the Current Affairs session to Year 7 and 8 Tutor Groups on a weekly basis. The Prefects are a source of support to the younger students in their allocated Tutor Groups, offering guidance to them, as well as a familiar face around the school. Prefects help meet and greet visitors to the school and support at important events in the school calendar.

Sixth Form—the Sixth Form Leadership Team (SFLT) is made up of a number of sub-groups who really steer the leadership programme for the lower school. The Head Boy and Head Girl lead the SFLT and carry out a wide range of roles on behalf of the student body, meeting visitors to the school, giving presentations, and advocating for the students in the school. Sixth Form students play key roles in the Equalities Group, Charity Leaders Groups and are involved in a host of other leadership roles including academic mentoring, reading mentors, and leading a range of events that take place in Sixth Form.