
16-19 Tuition Fund

The Government has introduced the 16 to 19 tuition fund. It is ring fenced funding for schools, colleges and all other 16 to 19 providers to mitigate the disruption to learning arising due to COVID-19.

Our share of this funding is £8847 for 2023-24

The guidance related to the fund means that the following students are eligible for tuition via the 16 to 19 tuition fund:

  • students who have not achieved a grade 6 in GCSE English and/or GCSE maths at age 16 and would need catch-up support
  • students from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country (based on the index of multiple deprivation) and would need catch-up support
  • students who are economically disadvantaged who meet the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund eligibility criteria and would need catch-up support to reach their full potential will be eligible, even where their prior attainment is high
  • students aged 19 to 24 who have an education, health, and care (EHC) plan are also eligible for support, subject to meeting the eligibility for the fund


The fund supports students that meet eligibility requirements in:

  • small groups and one to one tuition
  • tuition in English, maths/other academic subjects
  • tuition in non-academic subjects, such as exam preparation
  • tuition in vocational courses

Typically support will be in the form of small group tuition over and above the teaching timetabled for that subject.