A Level & BTEC Results 2024
We are very pleased with this year’s set of A Level and BTEC results, with a large number of students achieving top grades. There was a 98% pass rate with half of our students having achieved A*-B grades and almost one fifth achieving A*-A. After a challenging 2 years, it is very rewarding to see students we have worked with over the last 2 years now heading off to the Universities or careers of their choices.
The Department of Education confirmed in March 2025 that our Level 3 Value added was +0.19. This was given the national banding of 'above average' and places the school in the top 20% of all schools and colleges nationally.
These outcomes also place The Compton Sixth Form as one of the highest performing Sixth Forms in Barnet.
Read the full article and interviews with students here
Individual successes include:
Harry (A*A*A*)
Gianluca (A*A*A)
Rangina (A*A*A)
Katie (A*AA)
Milo (A*AA)
Valentina (A*AB)
Aleski (AAA)
Kezia (AAA)
Gwen (AAB)
Keshav (AAB)
Prem (AAB)
Janine (A*BB)
Rayan (A*BB)
Selin (A*BB)
Yolanda (A*BB)
Kirsty (AAC)
Tasneem (AAC)
Ty (AAC)
Vlera (ABB)
Cassia (ABB)
Dzhemile (ABB)
Ethan (ABB)
Joyce (ABB)
Shahmeer (ABB)
Tania (ABB)
Ann (ABC)
Daniel (ABC)
James (ABC)
Noemi (ABC)
Desarah Prifti (BBB)
Meriem (BBB)
Michelle (BBB)
Sabina (BBB)
Samuel (BBB)
Yagmur (BBB)
Yusra (BBB)
BTEC Business
Aorela (Distinction Distinction A)
Saravanan (Distinction Distinction B)
Thiesca (Distinction Distinction C)
Donte (Distinction Distinction C)
Zara (Distinction Distinction C)
David (Distinction Distinction, Merit- Sport)
Ryan (Distinction* Distinction D)
Munir (Distinction Distinction D)
Wajdaan (Distinction Distinction D)
Sudais (Distinction Distinction)
BTEC Science
Arianna (Distinction Distinction Distinction)
Anglica (Distinction Distinction D)
Narges (Distinction Distinction Merit)
Salim (Distinction Distinction Merit)
Sheila (Distinction Merit B)
Jena (Distinction Merit Merit)
Williette (Distinction Merit Merit)
Ali (Distinction Merit B)
Alisha (Distinction*)
Bobby (Distinction)
Gabrial (Distinction BC)
Jack-Quwarn (Distinction BC)