
SMSC and British Values

The Compton School recognises that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural element of student’s education is crucial to their development as an individual, allowing them to contribute to society as local, national and global citizens. The Compton School encourages students to think about the values they hold, their attitude to learning and the opinions and perspectives of others.

The Compton School has a curriculum that encourages students to;

  • Develop spiritual values and reasoned personal and moral values.
  • Consider the diverse nature of society.
  • Students at The Compton School recognise that we are a multi-cultural and a multi faith community.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures.
  • Equality and inclusion are valued.
  • Understand how to become an active, responsible citizen in a democratic society.
  • Develop an appreciation of human achievements, aspiration and reliance.
  • Develop an understanding of the world in which they live in and the interdependence of individuals, groups, nations and the environment.
  • The Compton School encourages students to develop questioning, enquiry methods and learn how to express their ideas appropriately.
  • Encourage student to take part in all extra-curricular and enrichment activities to allow students to build cultural capital.

In addition to developing SMSC for students, we also ensure that British Values of democracy, the rules of law, individual liberty, and respect/tolerance permeate the work of The Compton School. 

SMSC and British values are promoted at The Compton School through: 

  • Thought of the Week is shared in PDT, newsletter, assembly and on plasma screens around the school. The Thought of the Week is a quote from a diverse range of culturally significant figures to promote reflection. Each week which links to an aspect of The Compton DNA. A brief biography of the person the quote has come is shared to give context and expose students to a variety of perspectives and role models.
  • A wide variety of extra-curricular activities which are promoted through the newsletter and during PDT. Teachers monitor attendance to ensure extra-curricular activities are inclusive and open to all students.
  • A published calendar of ‘Awareness Days’ which inform students on significant cultural and religious events such as ‘Stephen Lawrence Day’ ‘Eid’ and ‘World Book Day’.
  • Departments run a wide range of trips in London, across the UK and abroad which are linked to their curriculum areas and to provide opportunities to explore passions and develop an appreciation of the world around them. International trips have included ‘Climbing volcanoes in Sicily in Geography’ and ‘The Battlefields in Belgium and France in History’.
  • The Pastoral Curriculum covers a broad range of aspects of SMSC for example topics such as 'Identity and Discrimination’ and 'Diversity, Prejudice and bullying'
  • Services for student wellbeing, including support from student services and the Support and Intervention Team. Awareness weeks focusing on National Mental Health Week.
  • Votes for Schools is delivered weekly during PDT. Students work through resources on a particular current affairs issue and then have an in-class debate. The purpose to expose students to a range of current issues facing young people and to make informed decisions. Year 11 Prefects present the arguments for and against to Year 7 and 8 tutor groups. At Year 12 there is an interform debate competition running over the Spring 1 half term. Through debates and discussion students develop their oracy and political literacy skills.
  • A range of student leadership opportunities including Equality and Charity Leaders ensure students can be involved with and promote values held by The Compton School.
  • Charity events throughout every year group for example ‘First Give’, ‘Poppy Selling’, ‘Ribbon selling’ for HIV awareness day and raising money for environmental charities such as ‘Just One Tree’.
  • Several opportunities for student voice - allowing students’ opinions to be heard through democracy and providing an opportunity for leadership.
  • Student mentoring - allowing all students to have someone they can talk to about both their schoolwork and wider lives.
  • External agency connections to promote a range of attitudes and believes for example ‘Diversity Role Model Workshops’ delivered at Key Stage 3 on the ‘Power of Language’.
  • A wide range of assemblies and corridor displays specifically designed to support students in understand the 9 protected characteristics and diversity.
  • School assemblies promote our school values through a wide range of topics.
  • Mock elections held to match national elections to engage students in politics.
  • Departments evaluate on SMSC through their improvement and evaluation plans which are monitored by the SMSC Lead.
  • Teachers have regular CPD and Inset on aspects of SMSC and personal development such a ‘Decolonising the curriculum’ and external speakers such as Hashi Mohamed presenting themes from his book on education ‘People Like Us’