Careers Programme and Student Destinations
A planned programme of careers and employability support runs throughout Years 12 and 13 and aims to prepare students for the next step in their careers, whether this be higher level study at university, a school leaver programme at an employer or an apprenticeship.
2024 Student Destinations Poster
Intensive, personalised support is provided through a range of activities taking place in and outside of school, involving input from form tutors and our dedicated Careers Adviser Miss Doyle, who is available for 1:1 appointment throughout the year.
Students use a comprehensive online platform, Unifrog, through their time in Sixth Form to research, plan and engage with career-related opportunities. Our Aiming High programme targets our most academically able students and includes sessions delivered by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, together with specific support for students considering careers in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Law, where admissions tests are required in addition to very strong UCAS applications.
Year 12 highlights include: Employability Skills workshop delivered by Talk the Talk and funded by the Jack Petchey Foundation; CV writing; support with finding work experience; Financial Capability sessions; professional careers talks; whole year group visit to the UCAS Discovery exhibition and a University subject taster day; Open Day visits; assistance with making UCAS and apprenticeship applications and seeking academic summer school placements.
Year 13 highlights include: Intensive support with UCAS personal statement and applications; preparation for admissions tests; career appointments available at Parents Evening; sessions on preparing for university; Student finance presentation; support with destinations on and after A Level results day.
Student retention figures: The retention figures for Year 13 (Class of 2023)- 97.87% moved from Y12 into Year 13