
Why Consider Us?

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We have an ‘Outstanding’ track record

The Compton School has been judged as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in the last five inspections. A rating lasting over 25 years. This includes a rating of ‘Outstanding’ for The Sixth Form in the most recent inspection in March 2024.

‘Students say they are well prepared for higher education and the world of work. Inspectors observed students taking responsibility for their own learning.’ – OFSTED

We are experienced teachers

The staff in The Compton Sixth Form are Degree qualified specialists in each of their subjects. They all have many years of direct A Level teaching experience. Now that that we are into our tenth year as a Sixth Form, teachers have refined the strategies that have enabled students to make exceptional progress and receive excellent results. Our Progress is in the top 20% of all schools and colleges nationally - you are far more likely to achieve higher grades if you select The Compton Sixth Form.

We are more able to support your transition into Year 12

Being a Sixth Form attached to a secondary school makes it incredibly beneficial to students making the transition into A Levels. Teachers understand the shift from GCSE to A Level much better than college teachers, as they have a much clearer understanding of what you already know. They teach the subjects you require for entry into the Sixth Form at GCSE so are better able to build on your prior learning.

We have smaller class sizes with a more personalised learning experience

Unlike a larger college, The Compton Sixth Form has smaller class sizes which means a more personalised programme of study. Your teachers are more capable of getting to know your strengths and weaknesses to help encourage you when you need it, while also offering independence when you are working at you best. In a short 2-year course, that advantage is crucial in you doing well and making that rapid transition from GCSEs to A Levels.

We offer a more grown up learning experience

In the Sixth Form, we provide the opportunity for you to develop skills to help you prepare for University or Apprenticeships. You have a more flexible timetable where you can be in control of your study by working independently in school, or at home.

We maintain a strong ethos of support

Families always want the best for your education – so we know that they will still want to be updated about how you are getting on, even though you are that bit older. We have a dedicated team consisting of a Key Stage Leader, Pastoral Leaders and an Attendance Officer who are able to be a direct link to your family, so that you are reaching your potential but your wellbeing is always supported as well.

You will have more time to know your subject and feel ready for exams

The Sixth Form offers you a greater number of teaching hours in the classroom - 5 hours per week, per subject. In addition to this you will also get a huge amount of time given over to support you outside of lessons which is just not offered at the larger colleges:

  • Intervention groups if you find things difficult
  • Specific revision classes in the lead up to exams
  • Intensive sessions during holidays
  • Your teachers are always on hand before and after school if you need them

We offer more than just academic support

Teachers in Sixth Forms know how important learning outside of the classroom is for you to gain real experience. They are on hand to provide extensive enrichment programme opportunities, including trips and experiences that help you develop key skills for CV’s and UCAS Personal Statements. You also get a say in how areas of the Sixth Form and Whole school runs, through becoming part of the Sixth Form Leadership Team.

You have your own space within school

Although you are part of a school, you don’t always feel like it. Sixth Form students have their own building with state of the art classrooms for a higher level of learning. You also have your own study base for completing independent work, as well as a café to allow you an opportunity to enjoy the social aspect of Sixth Form life.

You won’t just be an anonymous face

You don’t just have to wait until exam results, when it’s already too late. We take the time to get to know every student in the Sixth Form, therefore we can quickly identify if you are finding things hard and ensure you get the right support to get back on track quickly. Teachers track your progress and will regularly inform you on how you are doing and how you can improve.

We provide an individualised careers programme for each student

Need help in deciding your future? Nothing beats speaking to an expert without having to book an appointment to help you see the opportunities or resources that can make your decision easier. The Sixth Form has its own careers advisor for students. The careers advisor is employed full time and available to you all day, every day.