
Vision and Values

Andrew and louise

We are delighted to be joint Heads of School here at The Compton School.  

We want to outline what we think makes the Compton School such a unique and special place to be and why we believe our children do so well. 

Vision and Values 

A relentless pursuit of excellence is fundamental to our culture. It rests upon a vision of challenge and support for all students- across the ability range and irrespective of background. We believe that education should take place in a fully inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all and that all children should learn to value religious and cultural differences. Our school strives to be at the centre of the local community with positive and effective links to the wider and global communities. 

We have high academic aspirations of every student and alongside excellent personal and social growth, prepare all students to become independent learners with the confidence and ambition to make positive contributions to our society.  

We have an unfailing belief in the potential of everyone-students and staff- our staff are always prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure students’ interests are at the heart of all we do. 

The vision of outstanding provision at The Compton is exemplified in our LEARN DNA which all students and staff are familiar with-please look at what this means in practice- LEARN DNA

Excellence through Teaching and Learning 

“Teaching, learning, and assessment is exemplary. Leaders promote a strong culture of collaborative working. Teachers constantly review and refine their lessons, ensuring that they meet the needs of all pupils.” Ofsted 

Teaching and Learning at The Compton is outstanding. We believe that every child can succeed, and our high expectations of every student enables them to make exceptional progress. 

We have a consistent approach to teaching and learning that ensures our broad and balanced curriculum is of exceptional quality across all departments and subject areas. Specialist teachers deliver their subjects with passion and enthusiasm. Lessons are meticulously planned and include a wide range of activities to engage all learners. 

Students are encouraged to be independent and creative, and homework is used effectively to support learning beyond the classroom. Our whole school approach to Personal Development, including Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education, ensures our students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make a positive contribution to society. 

“It is a credit to all the staff at the school, that my son has managed to do so well. The staff went far beyond just providing support. His teachers have all put in extra effort to ensure he had the best possible chance to complete his work to a high standard.” Parent June 2023 

Excellence through Pastoral Care 

“The school’s work to promote pupil’s personal development and welfare is outstanding.’’      Ofsted 

“The pastoral teams, together with the strong systems, ensure that no pupil falls behind. Pupils say that they feel safe and are well looked after. Pupils believe this culture affects their attitudes and ensures outstanding behaviour.” Ofsted 

Both of us are immensely proud that the school is such a safe and happy place to be, providing support and care for every member of our community. 

We work closely alongside our feeder primary schools to enable all our new students to experience a smooth and successful transition from Year 6 to Year 7-we hope you will spend some time looking at the dedicated section of the website so you and your child can explore this further-especially if you are hoping to attend here! 

As you will be aware, transition is part of a process and does not only apply to year 6-7 students. We make sure that we support children as they move from one year group to another, hopefully into our sixth form and on to university. Our comprehensive system of pastoral care ensures that all our students are individually supported to achieve their very best. Students form strong relationships with their Form Tutors and every year group has a non-teaching Year Manager who oversees their personal and academic development. Personalised support is provided for all students, whether they are our most able or have additional needs or simply reassurance or guidance. Our highly skilled pastoral team have expertise in an extensive range of support strategies including safeguarding and mental health and wellbeing. 

We have a rigorous and consistent approach to behaviour management which ensures excellent standards across the school. All students remain on site throughout the school day and a rolling programme of breaks and lunches ensures that there are less students out of lessons at any one time. This not only reduces queuing times but provides a safe and secure environment for all students. 

So many of the teachers and support staff at The Compton have gone out of their way to encourage my daughter; their input made her believe she could do really well; their kindness gave her the environment she needed. 

My daughter was always happy to go to school and missed it in the holidays, which is a testament to how safe and included she felt.”  

Parent, July 2023 


Excellence through Personal Development 

Our students have a true sense of ownership, responsibility and care towards each other and their school. 

We have an innovative Student Leadership programme, which, alongside the Pastoral Curriculum, provides a wide range of unique leadership opportunities and develops important skills for life beyond The Compton. It allows students of all ages to contribute to the running of the school and the school curriculum and to be involved in school governance. The Pastoral Curriculum provides a programme of education which promotes equality, celebrates diversity, and prepares students for life in modern Britain. It enables students to demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviour in their daily interactions around school, talk confidently in public, experience cultural activities and support a local, national, or international charity.  

We also provide a wide and interesting range of enrichment opportunities for students to participate in including the provision of extra-curricular activities, after-school clubs, and several trips, many of which are trips abroad. 

We encourage all our students to take part in a variety of sports and games, with an emphasis on participation, good health, and competitive fun. Through the PE curriculum students have access to off-site facilities and a range of outdoor education opportunities, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We have a wide range of teams, many of them achieving success at borough and regional level. 

The Compton School has vibrant performing arts departments, offering opportunities for creative self-expression and involvement at every level. All students are encouraged to take part in our diverse programme of activities throughout the year, including school drama, productions and musical events. 

Excellence through our Sixth Form 

“The Compton has provided an outstanding education for many years and continues to do so. Pupil’s outcomes and welfare are at the centre of everything the school does. Pupils and staff are rightly proud of their excellent achievements.”  Ofsted 

Throughout their time at The Compton School, students form exceptionally strong bonds with their teachers and, for the vast majority, their journey at The Compton School continues into our sixth form after completing their GCSEs in Year 11. 

All our students are given individual guidance and support about future choices, and we work hard to ensure that they have a smooth transition to the next stage of their education wherever it may be. 

Students participate in comprehensive careers and work-related learning activities to ensure they are ready for post-16 education. Our Sixth Form focuses on academic excellence and preparing students for university education. Our highly skilled teachers deliver a wide range of A-level and BTEC courses to suit all interests and students are supported through skilled pastoral care. 

Environment matters 

We teach students to live and learn in a sustainable way, creating opportunities for students to engage in purposeful activities that encourage an understanding of social and physical growth, and a wider understanding of the impact of climate change. 

We also provide the best possible learning environment we can, with teaching and social spaces that are light, bright, clean and with a strong focus on excellent displays for learning.  

An outward facing school where sharing good practice makes a difference. 

We continuously strive for improvement; there is no room for complacency, and we regularly review, share, research and adapt so that we remain at the cutting edge of outstanding practice as well as sharing expertise with others. 

We take our role as a lead school for SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) very seriously, training cohorts of successful beginner teachers and forging very effective partnerships with other schools locally and nationally.  

These principles and practices have evolved over the past 30 years since The Compton School first opened. This evolution has been based on an uncompromising search to seek out best practice and to apply any new developments within the context of Middlesex Learning Trust and The Compton School; and the needs of all our students, leading us to become one of the best schools in the country.  

We hope that we have captured a flavour of what the Compton School is all about. We hope that you and your child will have the opportunity to experience this in person. 

We hold at many welcome evenings and events throughout the year, and we hope we will get the chance to meet you in the future if we have not already done so. 

Louise Ismail & Andrew Hammond
Heads of School October 2023