
16-19 Programme of Study

All students who join The Compton School Sixth Form follow Level 3 programmes of study. We offer a broad range of A Level and Vocational courses to provide for varying prior attainment and career goals. Students usually follow either a vocational or academic path but some combine both to meet their current educational needs and future career plans. Please see our Subjects and Admission Criteria and Course Guide on our website for specific subject information.

We are very proud that teachers at The Compton School provide excellent teaching for students in the Sixth Form and are incredibly supportive both in the classroom and beyond.  This ensures that our students achieve their full potential and are ready to move onto the next stage of their education or employment. In addition to supportive teachers being available for one to one assistance or providing organised after school revision/catch up sessions, our PSHE Programme includes topics on understanding physical and mental wellbeing. Our detailed Year 12 induction programme ensures students transition into KS5 is supported. This includes a study skills conference and unit of work developing student’s organisation and independent study skills. The use of supervised independent study periods in Year 12 and Year 13 ensure students are supported in developing these effective study habits within school, between their timetabled subject lessons.  

It is our aim that all students leaving The Compton Sixth Form in Year 13 have sufficient qualifications to progress to higher education or to further training or employment. To this end, students study three Level 3 courses. Students develop their character, cultural capital and wider skills through our Enrichment offer which include an extensive Student Leadership programme, our super-curriculum, opportunities for sport and drama, various local, national and international trips and gaining additional qualifications such as the EPQ. Please see our Sixth Form Prospectus for more information about these opportunities. We also prepare students for life after school through our PSHE programme which include important topics on Health and wellbeing, sex and relationships and careers, money and employment.

A planned programme of careers and employability support runs throughout Years 12 and 13 and aims to prepare students for the next step in their careers, whether this be higher level study at university, a school leaver programme at an employer or an apprenticeship. Intensive, personalised support is provided through a range of activities taking place in and outside of school, involving input from form tutors and our dedicated Careers Adviser, who is available for 1:1 appointment throughout the year. Students use a comprehensive online platform, Unifrog, through their time in Sixth Form to research, plan and engage with career-related opportunities. Our Aiming High programme targets our most academically able students and includes sessions delivered by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, together with specific support for students considering careers in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Law, where admissions tests are required in addition to very strong UCAS applications.

The careers programme includes; In Year 12: Employability and CV writing; support with finding work experience; Financial Capability sessions; professional careers talks; whole year group visit to a UK University; Open Day visits; assistance with making UCAS applications and seeking academic summer school placements. Year 13 highlights include: Intensive support with UCAS personal statement and applications; preparation for admissions tests; career appointments available at Parents Evening; sessions on preparing for university; Student finance presentation; support with destinations on and after A Level results day. Work experience opportunities are promoted and encouraged regularly to help students develop the necessary skills and understanding of potential future careers. Much of this provision has been online since 2020 using various providers. We will continue to support students to secure online placements that enable them to progress onto their chosen pathways, but hope that our work shadowing programme for Year 12 students will eventually resume. More details about our careers programme can be found here: Careers programme and student destinations.

All students receive 9 hours 40 minutes of teacher led learning for each of their subjects per fortnight, plus a further 6 hours and 40 minutes (in Year 12) and 3 hours and 20 mins (in Year 13) per fortnight of supervised independent study. Provision is made for the very small number of students in Years 12 and 13 who have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English or Maths.

At Post 16, we promote independence for all of our SEND students, ensuring they are ready to make the transition to the next stage of their education. Students are supported through smaller class sizes, regular check ins with teaching staff and adaptive teaching strategies where appropriate. Where eligible, SEND students are supported through the provision of access arrangements for their exams. In addition, Sixth Form students with an EHCP receive pastoral and organisational support from their tutor and pastoral leader in the form of academic and emotional mentoring as well as bespoke support to help them achieve their desired goals when they are considering work or university courses.