PSHE: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Our Vision for PSHE
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject which helps students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes to stay healthy and safe now and prepare for their futures. At The Compton school we believe that good PSHE education also helps students to achieve their academic potential.
Our intent is to provide and academic PSHE curriculum that provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.
Our PSHE curriculum focusses on three core themes:
- Health and wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the wider world
Our PSHE curriculum aims to enable students to become healthy, safe, independent, responsible members of society who demonstrate respect and tolerance and who are prepared to face and manage the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing modern Britain.
Preventative PSHE education helps students to know how they can support each other, manage their own behaviour and get help for themselves or their friends when they need it, therefore supporting positive behaviour and attitudes.
What is taught in PSHE at The Compton School?
Please refer here to the overview of our PSHE Curriculum
Our PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact
Please view the following document which outlines how and why we teach PSHE at The Compton School and the impact this is having on our students.
PSHE Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact
Support for Parents
If parents want more information about how to talk about some of these important topics with their children at home, please follow the link to these excellent resources:
The Children’s Commissioner: Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A Guide for Parents:
NHS: How to talk to your child about drugs
Childline- Support for Children and Families
NSPCC- Support for Parents
NHS Live Well- Healthy Lifestyles
Other Resources
The following resources are used by the school to support effective planning and delivery of the PSHE curriculum. This list is not exhaustive:
Organisation | Website details |
PSHE Association | |
BBC Bitesize | |
Oak Academy
| KS3: KS4: |
Childline | |
NHS | |
Anna Freud | |
Mencap | |
Votes for school | |
Awareness days | |
Unifrog (Careers) | |
Fast Tomato (Careers) |