Economics A Level
Curriculum Purpose
We aim to help students become the best students they can in Economics. The aim of our curriculum is to develop their understanding of Economics on a local, national, and international scale. We do this by ensuring that our lessons help equip students to enhance their next steps beyond the classroom whether to higher education or employment. We want students to be confident and analytical in their approach and be strong evaluators of economic theory so they can reach logical and clearly thought-out conclusions. Students are challenged to work independently as well as collaboratively in small groups or whole class situations. We also encourage students to be courteous, well mannered, respectful, and tolerant towards each other as they learn together in order to become successful Economics students.
Furthermore, through our teaching we support the social, moral, spiritual, and cultural dimensions Economics offers. As a department we provide a well-planned curriculum with lessons that aim to be interesting, challenging, and relevant so that students are fully engaged and successful learners.
- To support students in becoming confident learners in Economics.
- To encourage and support students in their learning so that each achieves the very best outcomes from their studies
- To provide opportunities for students to critically engage in their learning through discussion, reflecting on key concepts in the subject
Key Concepts in the Economics curriculum
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- The role of markets
- Business objectives
- Market structures
- The labour market
- Applied microeconomics
- The interaction of micro and macroeconomics
- Aggregate demand and supply
- Economic policy objectives
- Implementing policy to achieve economic goals
- The global context
- The financial sector
- Applied macroeconomics
- The interaction of micro and macroeconomics
Key features of learning
A level Economics is taught by two teachers, each one delivering either the macro or the micro aspects of the course. Lessons are taught in one classroom to ensure resources can be effectively deployed. The department delivers an exciting curriculum that is constantly changing as national and global economic developments are taking place. Students are expected to make useful and relevant notes to support their learning. They are given the opportunity to participate through questions and answers as well as student presentations on a range of economic issues.
What you will see in Economics lessons
In lessons students are engaged and encouraged to fully participate in their learning. They work as individuals, in pairs, small groups and whole class. The department expects students to value their work, storing notes in files which should be organised into topics as directed by the teacher of that component of the course. PowerPoints are used as well as news articles and video. Discussions are a key part of student learning in this subject.
Homework tasks are linked to learning that has been completed in order to consolidated understanding. Other homework is set to prepare the ground for student learning in upcoming lessons by reading ahead. Homework is set by both teachers each week. Homework tasks are set on Show My Homework where resources and links are attached. Homework is submitted on line and feedback and grading also provided on line. In class teachers employ skilful questioning so that students can be stretched with targeted questions. Lessons are active and involve problem solving, analysis and evaluative exercises.
Expectations are high and praise and encouragement are given to build confidence.
What you will see in Economics Folders
Student files contain lesson notes, homework tasks, glossary of key terms, course specification and articles from journals and newspapers which have been used in class or homework learning
What formative assessment you will see in Economics
End of unit tests are stored for students until revision time. After the assessment a full review of work is completed in green pen so that points can be developed and misunderstandings explained. In this way we see feedback and review as essential in supporting learning which links back to our desired aim to support student learning, so student attainment is maximised. Examination experience is provided with a formalised Year 12 examination in the summer term. In Year 13 there is a further formal mock examination. Retakes are available when students do not reach their desired target grade. At the end of the course there are three examinations- paper 1: macroeconomics, paper 2: macroeconomics and paper 3: themes in economics.
What Extra-curricular s available in Economics
An Economics Society provides opportunities for students to present talks on topics of economic interest- this takes place online using MS Teams or in school. This provides further opportunity for students to hone oracy skills.
Additionally, the Economics department has links with the Bank of England where visits or visiting speakers can further enhance learning, understanding and interest. The department also organises visits to Economics Conferences and revision workshops organised by Tutor2u.