
Outstanding Support


Alongside its national reputation for academic excellence, the school is a nationally accredited Wellbeing School and prides itself on its pastoral care, providing a very positive environment in which students thrive.


The school provides a supportive and happy environment to study in. Our exceptional and comprehensive system of pastoral care at Year 12 and 13, ensures that all our students are individually supported to achieve their very best. Our high expectations regarding student behaviour ensures an excellent atmosphere in which to learn.

In the Sixth Form we recognise students are young adults and respond to this by providing greater freedom. However, it is also important to maintain high levels of support and have monitoring procedures in place to ensure that with this greater freedom, standards and progress do not slip. For this reason, all Sixth Form students will be allocated a tutor whose role it is to monitor their progress, develop their confidence and provide help and guidance in the completion of future career plans including applications to Higher Education. Each year group also has a non-teaching Pastoral Leader who contributes to their personal and academic development.

“The hard work and care of the pastoral team has made a huge difference to me and my children. They are committed and willing to go the extra mile. I have found them incredibly supportive and am hugely grateful.”


“My time at Compton was full of positive memories that never fail to put a smile on my face! I truly believe that these opportunities have got me to where I am today. I got the chance to participate in amazing opportunities like the Young Enterprise Challenge where I was managing director of our small start-up company. For the Exposure Magazine I wrote articles on topics I was interested in such as mental health. Also representing the school as Head Girl, a role I am extremely proud of.”


Now studying and working towards a Degree Apprenticeship with Mondelez International, with a Business Management Degree