National School Attendance Award 2023/24
Safeguarding Support - Parents & Students
Wellbeing, Welfare and Support
Support for Students - The Compton School
Childline- Support for Children and Families
FAQ guide to Kooth for parents and carers
How to talk to your children about world news
Worrying world news: How can I help?
How to help your child deal with online content about the war between Russia and Ukraine
Managing stress and building resilience - tips - Mind
How to manage and reduce stress | Mental Health Foundation
10 stress busters - NHS (
Short Films to support young peoples mental health
Improving children’s and young people's mental health – Place2Be
The Mix - Essential support for under 25s
Don't Hide Your Mind -Talk About It (Video)
NHS Live Well- Healthy Lifestyles
Resources for schools | Children's Commissioner for England
Parent Support, Guidance & Courses
NSPCC Advice | Leaving Your Child Home Alone
What Parents Need to Know about Health and Fitness Apps
What Parents Need to Know about Mental Health and Wellbeing Apps
Guide to Informing Parents about Harmful Content
BYCAS - Barnet Young Carer Support
Carers and Young Carers 2023-2028 (
Barnet schools Engagement with BYC Mentoring
KOOTH - Online Mental Wellbeing Community
Good Thinking - Digital Mental Wellbeing For London
Crisis Tools - Support for young people
Premiere of our Young Carers Film - Barnet Young Carers Know What to Do!
Supporting young people around transitions/ returning to school after school breaks/ holidays
For some children, the return to education at the end of the school holidays can be a difficult time for a variety of reasons. The start of the new term comes with plenty of challenges, from social worries to the stress of ensuring they’re entirely ready for upcoming lessons and learning.
Of course, these youngsters don’t have to weather these burdens alone, and as parents and educators, we should do all we can to support the children in our care as they head back to school. This free guide offers you expert advice on how you can be there for children and young people as they transition back into their school’s routine.
Medical Support
UKHSA issues health advice following the half-term break
Managing specific infectious diseases: A to Z - GOV.UK (
Is my child too ill for school?
How can Pharamacies Help | NHS Advice
Do you know about Pharamcy First? | YouTube Video
Communications Toolkit for UKHSA Stakeholders
Welcome to NARF Allergy School, Teaching Children About Food Allergies
Allergy Guidance for Schools | GOVUK
Barnet Food Banks
SEND support for parents and young people
SEND Information and Support at The Compton School
Parenting Programme and Workshops - Barnet Mencap
ADHD in Barnet - External Support for Parents/Students Barnet
SENDIASS - External Support For Parents/ Students
Dyslexia Videos for Parents and Carers | Nip in the Bud
School attendance support for parents and young people
Why is school attendance important and what support is available?
How do I deal with school refusal and school anxiety?
School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds
Addressing emotionally-based school avoidance | Anna Freud
School anxiety and refusal | Parentkind
How can Pharamacies Help | NHS Advice
Do you know about Pharamcy First? | YouTube Video
How to Support Young People Online
ParentZone want to help parents access the information and support they need. That's where the Everyday Digital widget can help. The Everyday Digital widget allows you to display Parent Zone’s media literacy resources — including articles and videos — on your organisation’s website. It's free, quick to set up and will support the families you work with. Set up now Everyday Digital is a media literacy programme providing UK families with the skills and habits to navigate the digital world. The Upsetting news and media online guide can help children navigate distressing news and imagery in the media. It gives parents some tips on how to have uncomfortable conversations and be aware of uncensored content.
Upsetting news and media online | Parent Zone
Everyday Digital | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life
The Everyday Digital widget | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life
Cyber Choices | Metropolitan Police
How to support someone you're worried about
How to navigate online disinformation and propaganda and practicing information resilience
Parent Online Safety | Presentation
What are social media algorithms? Advice for parents and carers
Supporting young people with SEN online
What Parents & Educators Need to Know about Snapchat
Keeping Kids Safe Online | Online Safety Sessions
What is Algospeak on Social Media? | Advice and Awareness
Barnet Support Services for Parents and Students
Parenting courses | Barnet Council
Reducing parental conflict | Barnet Council
Barnet Youth – Child and Family Early Help Service - Home - Home
Barnet Youth – Child and Family Early Help Service -Events?CalendarID=115
Barnet Youth – Child and Family Early Help Service -Events?CalendarID=117
Barnet Youth Magazine - Summer 2024
Barnet Youth Parent Registration
Make a referral to the Early Help team | Barnet Council
Barnet Support- Child and Family Early Help
Barnet Support- Part of the Child and Family Early Help Service
Barnet Active Creative Engaging holidays - Spring 2024
Barnet Child and Family Services - External Support for Parents/ Students
The Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership - Children & Young People
Barnet Advice and Resource Pack for Schools - Israel and Gaza
Counselling Services for Young People
Talk about it | Barnet Council
Our counselling services | Rephael House
NCL Parents in Mind March 24(CAMHS treatment waiting list)
NCL Parents in Mind May 24(CAMHS treatment waiting list)
Support for Parents on Sex and Relationships
RSHE: Relationships, Sex and Health Education
Brook - Parent Support Sex and Relationships
Childline - Parent Support Sex and Relationships
Support for parents and students on drugs and alcohol
Change Grow Live | Charity | We can help you change your life
NSPCC | How to talk to your child about drugs
Protecting children from county lines | NSPCC Learning
Child Bereavement Support
Grief Encounter - Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People
Winston's Wish - Giving Hope to Grieving Children
The Compassionate Friends - Supporting Bereaved Parents and their Families
Traumatic Bereavement - Helping children and young people who are struggling in schools & colleges
Trauma Informed Approaches
Childhood Trauma and the Brain | UK Trauma Council - YouTube
How a child’s body tells a story | UK Trauma Council
Coping with scary and distressing memories | UK Trauma Council
Childhood Trauma, War and Conflict (with English subtitles) | UK Trauma Council
What is PTSD? | UK Trauma Council
Helping a Child who is Experiencing Anger | Toolkit
Helping a Child who is Experiencing Anxiety | Toolkit
Helping a Child who is Experiencing Low Moods | Toolkit
Helping a Child who is Experiencing Low Self Esteem | Toolkit
Helping a Child who is Experiencing Sleeping Problems | Toolkit