
A Level and GCSE Results Days

Year 13- Results Day Tuesday 10th August 2021
On Tuesday 10th August 2021, school will be open from 9.30am for students to collect their A Level and BTEC results.

We would strongly advise that students are able to collect their results in person as they may then need to use this information to confirm their places at University or access clearing/adjustment.

Universities will be open early on results day so that students can contact them straight away. Members of the Sixth Form team and Senior staff will be on hand to offer guidance about confirming places, the clearing and adjustment processes.

Year 11- Results Day Thursday 12th August 2021
On Thursday 12th August 2021, school will be open for GCSE results day, for students to collect their results and have a personalised meeting with a member of staff to support their transition.
Students have been allocated individualised time slot to collect their results between 9am-12.30am on the day. Following the collection of results students will have a specific meeting slot with a member of staff where they will either be able to discuss their enrolment into Sixth Form and confirm their subjects or they will be able to discuss their other careers options.

Enrolment into Sixth Form- Thursday 12th August and Friday 13th August
For external applicants who have applied to the Sixth Form the school will be open from 1.30pm-3.30pm on Thursday 12th for you to meet with staff and enrol. Please check your emails for the time slot you have been allocated.

If you have not applied to us but would like to discuss your enrolment, the school will be open between 12pm-3pm on Friday 13th August