
Science Club - Walking Water Challenge

Posted on: 29/11/2022

Last week in science club, future scientists took part in the walking water challenge. Students worked in teams first to figure out how they could get coloured water to step out of a beaker and into another using a paper towel and beaker. How does the water get from one cup to the other? With a little bit of magic called capillary action.

Essentially, the adhesive force between the paper towel and the water is more powerful than the cohesive force inside the water itself. This results in the paper towel pulling the water up. The water keeps travelling up the paper towel, across the bridge and into the other beaker. They then had to rearrange the beakers to create a scientifically relevant shape. Congratulations to the winning team who created the most detailed shape!

A big thank you to our amazing sixth form students Selin, Eric, Aorela and Jessica for helping with the club