
Sports News

Posted on: 18/10/2023

On Wednesday the 11th of October we had multiple fixtures.

Firstly, our netball senior girls played a fixture against Christ College and won 16-7 with Lianne as player of the match. (first photo)
Our year 7 netball girls played a fixture against St Andrews and lost 11-1 with Fassia as the player of the match. (second photo)
Our year 8 netball girls played a fixture against St Andrews and won 15-1 with Ayaan as player of the match. (third photo)
Lastly, our year 7 football boys played a fixture against Wren and lost 5-1.

On Thursday the 12th of October we had three fixtures.

Our year 8 and 9 girls football team had a fixture against Bishop Douglas and won 3-1 with Marina as player of the match. (fourth photo)
Our year 7 girls football team had their first fixture against Bishop Douglas and lost 3-0 but played amazingly! And player of the match was Alisa (fifth photo)
And our year 10 boys football team had a fixture against Highgate in the first round of the Middlesex Cup. Highgate were reigning champions nonetheless, our boys won 4-2! (sixth photo)

On Friday the 13th of October we had one fixture.

The PE department took 12 SEND students from year 7 to Barnet Borough Bowling Pentathlon competition. The Students demonstrated some excellent bowling and Alessandro was the top strike scorer in Barnet. (Seventh photo)
Our year 8 boys football team had a fixture against Bishop Douglas and won 6-0, with Mustafaa as the player of the match.

On Monday the 16th of October we had three fixtures.

Our year 8 girls netball team had a fixture against Archer and won 7-6 with Ayaan as player of the match. (Eighth photo)
Our year 9 girls netball team had a fixture against Archer and lost 19-12 with Siah as player of the match. (Nineth photo)
Our year 8 boys football team had a fixture against JCS and lost. 

Written by Ms Crofts