
Spotlight on...A Level and BTEC Exam Success Summer 2024

Posted on: 15/08/2024

Despite a challenging two years, Year 13 students at The Compton School have achieved excellent A Level and BTEC results with half of all grades being A*-B, nearly a fifth of all grades being A/A* and an impressive overall pass rate of 98%. The majority of students have secured either their first choice for university or their insurance reserve choice.

A Level Results Day 2024 felt optimistic and positive with students eagerly (and nervously) opening their white envelopes; there were lots of smiles when students saw that their hard work had paid off and an atmosphere of relief and excitement filled the concourse.

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Emily Walker-Nolan, Assistant Headteacher, had the privilege of talking to some of the top achieving students on the day:

Top Achieving Boys: Harry (A*A*A*), Gianluca (A*A*A) and Milo (A*A A)

How do you feel today?

Harry: I feel pretty good – it can’t really get much better so I’m really proud. Before today, I felt pretty confident because I have put in a lot of effort to prepare.

Milo: I feel good, although some of my predicated grades were higher. Despite my stress, I feel really proud that I overcame that challenge.

Gianluca: I am just shocked! Before, I was so nervous but I didn’t want to give results day too much power over my thoughts – I tried my best and there was nothing I could have done to change the outcomes after the exam.

What are your future plans?

Gianluca: I am going to study Mechanical Engineering at University of Bristol which includes an integrated year in industry. I would love a career in motorsport in the future, perhaps even working within Formula One.

Harry: I got my first choice – Southampton University – and I am going to study Aeronautics and Astronautics. I also have made an application to join BA as a cadet pilot. It is hugely competitive – thousands of people have applied – and I should find out if I have been successful at the end of the month.

Milo: I am going to university in Denmark – hopefully Southern University. I would like to study Mechanical Engineering at BA level, with perhaps an MA in Aerospace Engineering after.

What has been your greatest challenge this year?

Milo: Definitely revising. I dedicated a lot of time to revising every day. I think you should set a high goal for yourself – if you do this, anyone can achieve it. In Maths, for example. I wasn’t the strongest in Year 10 but I was motivated to do better and now I have an A grade.

Gianluca: My mocks were very stressful but they are also very useful as they simulate the real thing. I also found the real exams very challenging – during one of my papers, I was so nervous. I had to stop, take a moment to breathe and then carried on writing. That one minute will not make a difference in the long run but meant that I could manage my nerves in the exam!

Harry: I thinking avoiding burnout – a lot of people try too hard at the start and then give up by December. It’s better to be consistent and pace yourself – that’s what makes in manageable.

What advice would you give to students in Year 11/12 about getting through the A Level years?

Harry: Try to balance all your subjects equally. Then, when you know where you are, prioritise the subject you need to focus on more deeply and don’t feel intimidated by it.

Milo: Don’t be put off by low grades at the start of Year 12. I started Year 12 getting some D grades – I adapted to the challenge, revised carefully and then achieved higher grades.

Gianluca: Listen to your teachers and create revision schedules for yourself. In Maths, they gave revision assignments every week – even in the holidays – to help keep us at our prime.

What is the best thing about The Compton Sixth Form?

Gianluca: The support, especially with UCAS and university application. I think Ms Doyle is the best – she has such a crucial role in the school.

Harry: I would say the Maths Department. They have such a good way of teaching, especially at A Level. I always understood what I was expected to do because the teach it so well.

Milo: Just the support you get. At The Compton School you get one-to-ones with your teachers and it’s so easy to seek assistance and advice from them.

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Top Achieving Girls: Rangina (A*A*A), Valentina (A*AB), Katie (A*AA) and Yolanda (A*BB)

How do you feel today?

Yolanda: I am so relieved! I was really stressed before so now I’m so happy.

Rangina: I am so shocked – I was not expected such good grades! It’s like I forgot all the feelings I had when I was sitting my exams, although looking back now, I felt that I did well.

Valentina: I am very happy. I was a bit nervous this morning and logged onto UCAS to check if I had got in – I was so happy when I saw I was fine!

Katie: I am very overwhelmed! I have decided to change my firm offer this morning, because I want to go to university outside of London, so this morning has been quite stressful!

What are your future plans?

Katie: I have decided to leave London to go to York University to study Philosophy with Sociology – I have no future plans yet after that!

Yolanda: I am so happy because I am going to University of Birmingham to study Law, which was my first choice. I went to the Open Day and just loved it – the campus is amazing and I am so excited to study in such a diverse city.

Rangina: I got my firm, first choice Queen Mary University London to study Pharmacology but I am keeping my options open as my grades are higher than I expected them to be. I would like a career in biomedical research in the future.

Valentina: I am going to Kings College London to study English Literature. I’m not sure what to do in the future just yet – I picked a subject to study that I enjoyed the most at A Level.

What has been your greatest challenge this year?

Valentina: Just the sheer amount of content and knowledge that you need to know at A Level – and it’s such a range in all your subjects, even though there’s only three of them! However, I think here that the classes are small so I know I could go to any of my subject teachers and ask for help – they would always make time for me.

Katie: The last few months of Year 13 felt really overwhelming, especially with the content for revision – it felt like a lot! I just tired to manage my revision carefully to get through it by doing something every day, but not too much!

Yolanda: For me, it was staying consistent with revision and trying to find a pattern and routine and stick to it! If you do this, you get the grades!

Rangina: The exams! Not the papers though…the nerves! I felt doubtful about myself at times, which I think is natural. It sounds weird but I kind of desensitised myself during the exams so it felt like they weren’t actually the real thing – like a mock – to help keep me calm.

What advice would you give to students in Year 11/12 about getting through the A Level years?

Rangina: From Day 1, build good habits. One of my teachers told me at the start of the course that motivation alone isn’t going to get the grades – it’s the habits you build. I forced myself to be in a strict routine during revision – at my desk from 9am – so I was in a good habit then.

Valentina: Keep on top of the work, but not to a point where you are too stressed. In terms of revision strategies, I found just reading notes unhelpful – I found that condensing them down and putting them onto flashcards made the process more manageable.

Katie: Make sure that any topics you are not sure of in Year 12 you revise carefully ahead of Year 13 – you’re going to have too much new content to learn to have to go back over the topics from the year before at the same time!

Yolanda: Stay consistent with your studies. Find a teacher if you need help. Use spaced practice – leaving gaps between key topics – and I recommend making flashcards and mind maps whilst you are learning the topic to save you time later on.

What is the best thing about The Compton Sixth Form?

Yolanda: The teachers are very helpful – you have such a good support system here at Compton – you can see your subject teachers at any time and you never feel alone.

Rangina: The teachers here – I never imagined that I would have such high quality teaching.

Valentina: The teachers are always helpful and just always there. They are the main reason I chose to stay here to for sixth form after Year 11.

Katie: You get so much support here – there are always someone you can go to. The teachers believe in you here and really push you to achieve your best.

Top achieving vocational students and budding medical students: Angelic (Distinction, Distinction, D) and Arianna (Triple Distinction)

How do you feel today?

Angelic: I am really happy!

Arianna: So happy! I was very worried and stressed – I had no appetite at all today!

What are your future plans?

Arianna: I am going to Kings College London to study Midwifery. I was really pleased when I went on the open day to see that I could apply with my Applied Science BTEC qualifications – I don’t think people really know that you can go on to study biomedicine with BTECs, but you can! For me, I’m not good at exams so this style of learning meant that I could be successful in this field. It’s not just about A Levels.

Angelic: I am going to the University of Hertfordshire to study Paramedic Science. I have wanted to be a paramedic since I was younger – I used to go to St John’ Ambulance as a child and this really inspired me.

What has been your greatest challenge this year?

Angelic: Managing my assignments and my A Level at the same time. Time management is also a challenge for me!

Arianna: Setting time aside to complete all the work and assignments – managing assignments and exam preparation is also challenging.

What advice would you give to students in Year 11/12 about getting through the A Level years?

Arianna: Try not to worry – it really doesn’t help. Get everything out of the way early and prioritise.

Angelic: Start revising early.

What is the best thing about The Compton Sixth Form?

Angelic: The teachers are really supportive here.

Arianna: I got a lot of support. There were times when I wouldn’t have carried on but I’m really proud that I did!