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Welcome to the DNA and Cytology Lab

Posted on: 06/10/2022

On Wednesday, our future biologists were invited to the cytology laboratory! Students were given a briefing by Dr Wesleigh Dawsmith, STEM ambassador on plant and animal cells and were allowed to look at ready-made animal and plant cells slides. Students were fascinated by the extraordinary building blocks of life under a microscope.

Students were then given the challenge to produce a cell model in a short amount of time. After a creative splurge and a fantastic mess, students managed to come up with excellent cell models. The cell models were then judged for creativity and accuracy. Many thanks to Dr Wesleigh Dawsmith, for running the cytology lab.

And huge thanks to our fantastic sixth form students, Rangina, Zackaria, Ben, Selin and Aorela for assisting out in the Science Club during Biology Week.