
Science Club - Making Volcanoes

Posted on: 18/01/2023

Science club was buzzing with our amazing future scientists. Last week students created a miniature erupting volcano. This was a safe way to start learning about these incredible geological features.

Students learnt that volcanoes are an opening of the Earth's crust through which molten rock, gases and ash can escape. This mixture of materials is called magma while it is underground and lava when it is erupted.

To make their miniature erupting volcano, students placed their empty plastic bottle upside down in the centre of a sheet of card and drew a small circle around the neck. They then cut a straight line through the card to the middle of the circle and cut it out. Next, they overlapped the two sides of the card to make a cone shape, placed it over the bottle and taped the paper to the bottle to hold it in place.

Students then enjoyed decorating the cone using paint and left it to dry, ready to be activated. We are looking forward to watching the volcanoes erupt and experiment with different amounts of bicarbonate and vinegar and see how the volcano's eruption changes.