
Science - Egg Drop Competition

Posted on: 19/04/2023

In Science Club, students took part in the Egg Drop Competition as part of Easter Special. Students were asked to design a landing craft that could protect an egg passenger when dropped from up high.

The competition was fierce, and the designs were impressive. We saw a broad range of unique and innovative landing craft designs, including parachutes and balloons.

After designing and creating their landing craft designs, one by one, the landing crafts were dropped from up high, and students watched as their egg passengers collided towards the ground.

Some designs were successful, while others still needed a bit of tweaking. However, regardless of the outcome, all students gained valuable experience in the engineering design cycle. They were able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their designs and develop strategies to improve them.

Congratulations to all participants and winning students who received an easter egg as part of their prize. We look forward to seeing what our students will accomplish in future competitions and events.

Huge thanks to our wonderful Sixth form students: Eric, Jessica and Jacey for their support with the event