
Last Spanish A Level Lesson of the Year

Posted on: 22/05/2023

It has been a real pleasure to teach A Level Spanish to this beautiful group. On the last day we decided to bring a variety of Hispanic and British treats to celebrate our two years of learning together. We had some dishes such as tortilla española, arepas, churros, fresas and pasteles. We only spoke Spanish, as usual, and shared future plans and good moments across our journey learning together.
My best wishes to all of them for their exams and future education. Miss Cabeza

I enjoyed the whole course. I also loved learning Spanish history as well as about dictatorships in the Hispanic world. I really liked learning more about current affairs that are happening there because we learned more about people’s different points of view and situations. I also really loved talking and practising my Spanish with the rest of the class and of course with the teacher, you are a truly amazing and supportive teacher, Miss Cabeza! I’m gonna miss you, Briana D ;-)

I have a really enjoyed learning about the Spanish culture in A-level Spanish, it has given me a strong insight into the style of living in Spain. I have also been very fascinated by the history of Spain, such as Franco’s dictatorship. Furthermore, I have loved all the in-class activities we have done. A huge thank you to the wonderful Miss Cabeza for everything she has done for us! Thomas 

I have enjoyed broadening my knowledge and improving my Spanish skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, as well as debating about a variety of different subjects in Spanish. Miss Cabeza has really made this an unforgettable experience. Ahmed S A and Emilia

My favourite part of Spanish A-level was watching the film Ocho Apellidos Vascos. It was really fun to watch and analyse as a class and then enjoyed planning and writing the essays on the film. I also enjoyed learning about the current affairs in Spain and being able to use this knowledge in every day conversations. Joanna, Roberto and Erica B

Written by Ms Cabeza