
Spotlight on...GCSE Exam Success Summer 2024

Posted on: 22/08/2024

Spotlight on…GCSE Exam Success Summer 2024

Showing true strength and resilience, Year 11 students at The Compton School have achieved fantastic GCSE results in Summer 2024 with a large number of students achieving the very highest grades. On the day, the Concourse was buzzing with delighted and relieved students opening their white envelopes and there were smiles all round when students saw that their hard work and perseverance had paid off.

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Emily Walker-Nolan, Assistant Headteacher, had the privilege of talking to some of the top achieving students on the day:

Top Achieving Girls: Saffron (9999999999), Lammy (99999999988) and Zadie (9888888876)

How do you feel today?

Saffron: I’m happy, but I don’t really believe it’s real and actually has happened! I honestly felt a bit sick this morning and I’ve never really felt like I could get 10 Grade 9s!

Zadie: I feel really good – I was really nervous but now I’ve opened my envelope, I feel like my hard work has paid off. I was trying not to think about it before.

Lammy: I am very proud of myself – all my hard work paid off. I was feeling so worried before.

What are your future plans?

Lammy: I am hoping to go to Kings Maths School and want to study Computer Science at Cambridge University. I am interested in a career in cybersecurity or artificial intelligence in the future.

Saffron: I plan on taking A Levels and then university – I’d like a career in Geography and conservation in the future.

Zadie: I have applied to a few sixth forms and would like to study Economics, Maths, English Literature and Politics.

What has been your greatest challenge this year?

Zadie: I actually didn’t find the motivation to study that challenging for me – what was more challenging was sustaining the focus once I’d started. I made sure that I got into my zone, put headphones and music on and tried to ignore the world once I was at my computer – that worked for me.

Lammy: It was a challenge to keep up with my study plans. I would find little ways to motivate myself and try to keep healthy – so, I might give myself a break or food reward, only if I completed a certain amount of work!

Saffron: Motivation was key for me. I also need to make sure I stopped myself from working too much immediately before exams – that’s just cramming and not very effective. I also had the thought of some subjects ending for me forever, which was motivating!

What advice would you give to students in Year 11 about getting through the final GCSE year?

Saffron: It’s almost cliched but I would say just revise from the start – everyone says it – but even for the mini-mocks in class – start it then! Then, when it’s the real thing, you already have that knowledge there in your long-term memory.

Zadie: I actually think it’s not realistic to start revision at the start of Year 10 – you should use the first summer holidays to look over content from the first year and then start your serious revision in Year 11.

Lammy: Start early making study plans and revision timetables. Make sure you find your own way to release stress and keep healthy.

What is the best thing about The Compton School?

Lammy: The teachers are really happy to help – I felt I could ask anyone for support, and they would help me, even if they weren’t my actual teacher.

Saffron: The commitment of the teachers here and how invested they are in you. The revision sessions after school and on the weekends are also excellent.

Zadie: The teachers and people here are so welcoming. Also, I recommend the weekend revision sessions and the after school/before school sessions. They really help you prepare for your exams.

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Top Achieving Boys: Alex (9999999987), Dhruv (9999999988) and Matti (9999999988)

How do you feel today?

Dhruv: I’m ecstatic because I got very good grades! I was slightly nervous before but today feels great!

Alex: I feel good – I wasn’t that nervous before because I knew I’d worked hard.

Matti: I am very happy. I did feel quite nervous this morning because of the uncertainty – it’s not at all in my hands now!

What are your future plans?

Matti: I am going to study A Levels in Maths, History and Politics.

Dhruv: I am going to stay here and study Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics – I would love a career in cybersecurity or software development in the future.

Alex: I am hoping to study engineering in the future so am planning on studying Maths, Physics and Computer Science.

What has been your greatest challenge during your GCSE studies?

Matti: Balancing all of the subjects is hugely challenging – just the sheer quantity of what you need to know and understand can feel quite overwhelming. It takes careful planning of your revision time, and you need to prioritise the subjects that need more work.

Dhruv: My challenge was really different to other people’s as I joined this school in Year 11. This school had different exam boards and sometimes content from my last school, so I had to almost learn two GCSE years in one, for some subjects. Whilst it was tricky, I used online notes and resources to help me catch up – you need to find the best way that works for you and that was mine! I also did loads of past papers and tried to memorise the mark schemes!

What advice would you give to students in Year 11 about getting through the final GCSE year?

Dhruv: It’s difficult to do but do try not to stress over your exams too much. If you are prepared, it should be fine! For me, I tried to get all my stress out during the mock period so that I was really calm and prepared for the real thing!

Alex: I would say just revise! Get it done!

Matti: It sounds weird but don’t kill yourself with revision! Don’t let it take up your entire headspace – take breaks and find balance when you can.

What is the best thing about The Compton School?

Matti: The teachers really helped me here.

Dhruv: The community – it’s such a diverse place but also a really positive place. I was able to establish a good group of friends really quickly who really pushed me to achieve – it was healthy competition! You should try and find friends who make you the best person you can be and celebrate you when you succeed.

Alex: The teachers here are always willing to give you time.


Happy student, Anastasia (A*9988888887), shares her advice for future students

How do you feel today?

Anastasia: I'm excited, but was quite nervous before! I’m really surprised with my English Literature grade because my mock grade was one below what I actually got in the real exam, so I'm really pleased!

What has been your greatest challenge this year?

Anastasia: Just keeping up with all the subjects you have to study at the same time! A lot of people only pay attention to some of them, but you need to make time for them all. I’m quite looking forward to A Levels narrowing down what I need to know and revise.

What advice would you give to students in Year 11 about getting through the final GCSE year?

Anastasia: Pay attention in your lessons so that you don’t have to catch up on those things in your own time! Really use your lesson time well.

What is the best thing about The Compton School?

Anastasia: The teachers! They are so willing to help you, both before and after school. Every teacher is happy to help you.

Well done to all students who completed their examinations this summer!